Reviews - Opera

As Eva (Meistersinger) at the Hamburg State Opera

  • In appearance Meagan Miller was the ideal Eva - slim and blond. She sang her short big scene with Sachs in the third act between high B and low C# almost hochdramatisch, but then dolce legato at the start of the quintet, also the famous trill at the end of the third act could be heard.

    Der neue Merker

As Eva in Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg Oper Leipzig

  • The young American soprano Meagan Miller triumphs over ill-suited costumes to render a graceful and radiant Eva.

  • Possibly the most beautiful moment in the entire production: completely charmingly Eva (Meagan Miller) finally offers to Sachs the nails for his cobbling - trembling, almost erotic. ... Meagan Miller is an Eva, who knows how to allow her wonderful substance-rich soprano to bloom.

    Online Musik Magazin
  • Meagan Miller as Evchen performed with her American charms straight into the hearts of the audience. In addition to her expressive voice and secure high notes, she also showed herself to be a wonderful actress.
  • Meagan Miller fulfills her role as Eva using her glowingly shimmering high notes and strong accents.

  • Meagan Miller as Eva has a beautiful voice and looks fantastic.